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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2024 3:07 pm by Taffel

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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 31, 2017 6:04 am by Wallace_Portugal

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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 31, 2017 12:01 am by Guest

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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 30, 2017 10:13 am by TheCozmicDragon

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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 21, 2017 7:32 am by Guest

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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 19, 2017 7:35 am by Guest

» "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 8:09 am by VANKO

"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 04, 2017 4:23 am by tariksarper

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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 11, 2017 2:15 am by Lewis

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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 
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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_lcap"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_voting_bar"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_vote_rcap 

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 "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player

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Join date : 2015-12-27
Age : 25
Location : Somewhere...on a island in the sea

"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player Empty
PostSubject: "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player   "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 5:43 am

Your lfs username please: Daniel564

who are you reporting once again? their usernames: Eathernal - metalaa -  LukaVader -

In-game names?: BenTen - Gopito - [PH]LukaVader -

Justify the cause of this report: Those so claimed "pros" drove towards my lane, thanks to my instincts I avoided an accident going over the curb performing a "gutter run", warned them about their recklessness but instead of using a brain to apologize they boasted their driving skills which they don't have

Maybe I was wrong...they are pro...at crashing:

...*lends open hand*: Oh right, the evidence...I could just use pics you know, but they don't know when to shut it and spam the chat deceiving me with nonsense as always, bummer -> http://www.mediafire.com/file/pjvho491v1p0do0/brainless_ww_trio.mpr

Now the time where an avoided accident happened:

1:41:20 until the end of mpr - As said previously, something didn't felt right so I just went over the curb and immediately spotted a trio of UF1's occupying my whole lane, yes Gopito(metalaa) you didn't crashed anyone because 1st, it was me
2nd I reacted correctly and as quick humanly possible.

Also a little more respect, I know you wouldn't be able to even insult me personally.
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Join date : 2011-07-11
Age : 30
Location : Romania , EU

"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player   "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 7:19 am

This report is irrelevant. Next time ask admins to take action if they are on the server
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Join date : 2013-08-20
Age : 29
Location : Bulgaria

"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player   "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 8:09 am

50% of SCS staff was there and you made a report???? (Applause)
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"Pros" going ww and deceiving a player Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player   "Pros" going ww and deceiving a player I_icon_minitime

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